Activities promoting glossdidactics related to Polish studies

Activities promoting glossdidactics related to Polish studies


  • WSG is a Publisher of appreciated and departmentally scored  magazine „Heteroglossia”. The literary studies, linguists and cultural studies” in which articles about glossdidactics appear regularly.

    The website of the magazine “Heteroglossia” 
  • WSG lecturers publish articles about teaching Polish as a foreign language (e.g. Aleksandra Szwagrzyk, Literatura najnowsza na lekcjach języka polskiego jako obcego, [w:] Nowe perspektywy w nauczaniu języka polskiego jako obcego III, red. E. Kubicka, A. Walkiewicz, Toruń 2015).
  • Researchers of Ukrainian state universities hold internships at WSG, free trainings about Polish didactics and glossdidactics are organized for them abroad.
  • The director of the Polish Language and Culture School, dr. Irena Kudlińska, is a Deputy editor-in-chief of scientific journal “Ukrainian Polish studies” edited by Zhytomyr State University.




The Polish Language and Culture School - Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki